My name is Rick Garcia. I went to high school at Don Bosco Tech in Rosemead, Ca and got a diploma in Computer Science. It was years ago and even though I did HTML and JavaScripting I don't remember a whole lot. I graduated from Cal Poly Pomona with a degree in Biology and another degree in GEMS. I received my teaching credential two years after and began teaching Chemistry at Sierra Vista High School in Baldwin Park. I love learning about science, particularly evolutionary biology.
I think I am pretty high on the technology continuum, but definitely not on the "geeky" level. I like using new technologies and stay up to date with the newest gadgets but don't know how to do things like build computers or the like. I do like computers because I think they make things easier, however, I do not like signing up for so many different accounts and have a passionate hatred for most social media like FaceBook, Twitter and Instagram.
Truthfully, I am obtaining a Master's degree to make more money, plain and simple - not that I wouldn't necessarily want to learn a few things down the road. I am in the C & I track, but I have always been interested in multimedia, in fact, I am kind of wishing I would have started in this track to begin with. My personal goal is to simply become a better teacher. I did really well this past year with the state test scores and I hope to continue increasing those scores in the years to come.
I too understand your hatred for social media technologies, I always emphasize being extremely wary when using any one of them. These social networks are interesting beasts, I find they can be inspiring and extremely interesting, but at the same time I find them increasingly toxic, hostile and polarized; the latter of which is verging on disturbing. It will be interesting to watch how we evolve socially and emotionally through the expanding use of the internet and technology with our everyday lives. Congrats on the state test scores and hopefully this class will impart some useful knowledge to help you with your goal of becoming a better teacher.