Monday, November 4, 2013

Journal #5 - Twitter

I really do not like social media, including Twitter. I don't see the point of posting little blurbs about what you're doing or how you feel and I am even less inclined to follow other people to see what they're doing and how they feel. I think there are better things to do with my time and I don't find anyone interesting enough to follow. This particular social media app really has me confused, at least FaceBook is more involved; really don't understand how anyone could use this on a personal level, not to offend.

Nevertheless I can kind of see how it could be used in the classroom, I just feel like the particular benefits listed would be suitable for a single classroom or for my classroom in particular. I think it would be great as a communication tool but it still puts the teacher at risk for disciplinary action if a student does something stupid. I'd rather use Remind101 which practically eliminated any risks and works just as well; I personally don't want the students to be able to communicate with me whenever they want, so Remind101 fits my needs best.

I think I just have a natural aversion to social media apps and this one in particular really strikes me as being quite useless. I understand it could be beneficial for a classroom, I just think the benefits aren't worth having students sign up for another account or the teacher having to manage another account.

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